When Safe is Out

When Safe is Out

I am an attorney.  As such, my bookcases are stocked with legal tomes, filled with confusing text, obscure events, and various and sundry arcana.  After practicing for nearly twenty years, I rarely reach for any of these dusty books, as it is often difficult to discern the meaning of anything written in them. Among the…

By Dan Freedman October 17, 2017 0

Absolution or Ignominy

Absolution or Ignominy

Some moments are indelible.  When they happen, we know we have witnessed history.  And no matter what happens after, those moments will be lodged in our memory, forevermore. “The Giants win the Pennant…the Giants win the Pennant…the Giants win the Pennant” is arguably the most famous moment in baseball history.  And yet, the memory of…

By Dan Freedman October 16, 2017 0

Narrative Lost

Narrative Lost

Sometimes the horse gets out of the barn, the toothpaste gets out of the tube, the water goes under the (Golden Gate) bridge. Sometimes the words you say are not the words the listener hears. Sometimes people have the best of intentions, and then other people co-opt those intentions. And sometimes, because of that co-opting,…

By Dan Freedman October 3, 2017 0

Net Over Yourself

Net Over Yourself

On Wednesday afternoon, Aaron Judge hit his 45th homer, which was followed by Gary Sanchez’s 32nd.  The Yankees cruised to a 11-3 win over the Twins, completing a three-game sweep and keeping the pressure on the division-leading Red Sox. But the Yankees’ win was overshadowed by what happened in the seats behind the third base dugout in…

By Dan Freedman September 22, 2017 0

Clayton’s Dad

Clayton’s Dad

Clayton Kershaw was born my sophomore year of high school. For reasons that we need not get into here, I cannot possibly be his father. However, when he takes the mound — and especially when he takes the mound late in the game — and especially when he takes the mound late in a post-season game — I may as well…

By Dan Freedman September 20, 2017 0


TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE PARK Shortly after the first of the year, while listening to one of my favorite podcasts, I was clued in to an event happening in Keizer, Oregon, eight months hence.  At the time, I had little knowledge of the impending total solar eclipse; had never heard the phrase “path of totality”;…

By Dan Freedman August 26, 2017 0


LITTLE BIG LEAGUES On a recent Saturday night I found myself in the small town of Moosic, in northeast Pennsylvania.  Unless you grew up or went to school in the hills of the Keystone state, you probably never have heard of Moosic.  But if you are a baseball fan, you definitely have heard of the…

By Dan Freedman August 8, 2017 0

THE $25,000 FINE

THE $25,000 FINE Baseball is a beautiful and peculiar game, filled with majesty, intensity, and a whole lot of oddity.  If you are not a dedicated fan, you may find yourself confused by the varied and arcane rules that govern the game.  To that end, one day I may dedicate an entire post just to…

By Dan Freedman July 17, 2017 0


A FIGHT NOT WORTH FIGHTING In the eighth inning of Monday’s Giants-Nationals game, with the Nats ahead 3-0, Hunter Strickland decided to seek revenge.  For what, you ask?  For an overly-aggressive slide into Brandon Crawford at second base?  For a little chin music too close to Joe Panik’s baby face?  How about a bat flip…

By Dan Freedman June 3, 2017 0


A DAMN SHAME Many people remember Tuesday’s AL Wild Card game for the six first inning runs (including three homers); or the fact that the starters recorded a combined seven outs.  For me, I will remember a little-noted play in the bottom of the 7th inning.  Aaron Judge led off with a walk, and took…

By Dan Freedman May 31, 2017 0