Category: Little Things

Hall Worthy?

Hall Worthy?

It’s that time of year…again. When honors are given out and people feel snubbed and hackles get raised. Critics get on their high horse and tell the collective voters what they did wrong, and in doing so, how certain people were wronged. There is no shortage of soapboxes, and there is certainly no shortage of…

By Dan Freedman January 24, 2019 0

In Our Day

In Our Day

I’m lying in bed Saturday morning, minding my own business. I’m scrolling through Twitter, as I am wont to do. And then I come across this beauty: "That's all for now folks, see you next week on This Week In Baseball" ~ Mel Allen (1985) #TWIB #MLB #History — Baseball by BSmile (@BSmile) November…

By Dan Freedman December 20, 2018 0