Category: Human Interest

Quit Your Whining

Quit Your Whining

In the end, the best team won. That sort of vindicates the system, no? At the beginning of these playoffs, the first under the expanded format wherein 12 teams were allowed into the dance (2020 excepted), there was a great deal of Sturm and Drang about the early outcomes. When the 89-win Padres knocked off…

By Dan Freedman November 14, 2022 0

A Salute to Vin Scully

A Salute to Vin Scully

A lawyer friend called me the other day to discuss a deal. But before we got down to business, we had to deal with important matters. He wanted my thoughts on the trade deadline and the passing of Vin Scully. I offered a few bromides about the Dodgers’ failure to land Juan Soto and then jumped…

By Dan Freedman August 9, 2022 0

“Free” “Agency”

“Free” “Agency”

Each offseason, this past one included, my son laments the players that the Boston Red Sox did not sign. During Spring Training, he railed that Eduardo Rodriguez should have remained in Boston (Rodriguez’s current disappearing act in Detroit seems to have proven him wrong), and that Anthony Rizzo should have come home to his original…

By Dan Freedman July 28, 2022 0



We all create bucket lists; things we want to do or see before we leave this mortal coil. For me, I have run with the bulls and climbed Machu Picchu. I have run a marathon and climbed the Eiffel Tower. But still on my to do list is visit every major league park. Having crisscrossed…

By Dan Freedman June 29, 2022 0