Author: Dan Freedman

Dan Freedman is the Executive Vice President of Business & Legal Affairs at Lionsgate Films. This is his unique (?) perspective on baseball, and how the same oftentimes relates to life.


THE MORE THINGS CHANGE . . . Here I was, dropping my son off for his bar mitzvah tutor, when I heard on the radio that the Royals had just won their division and were headed back to the playoffs.  If this had been a movie, everything around me suddenly would have been blurry and…

By Dan Freedman October 2, 2015 0


ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE During these Days of Awe, I have been inspired to write a little off-topic.  I hope that does not offend too many of you (and if it does, I will atone), but I felt compelled to delve into the personal, even if just for a few hundred/thousand words. As I have mentioned…

By Dan Freedman September 23, 2015 0


WHILE YOU WEREN’T WATCHING While most of America settled in for their first weekend of football, and others watched the finals of the U.S. Open, and a religious few spent time setting the table for Erev Rosh Hashana, the fine folks of MLB were playing some of the most exciting baseball of the Summer.  Over…

By Dan Freedman September 15, 2015 0


FAULTY MATH If you have ever coached a Little League game, you are all too well acquainted with pitch counts.  Have a kid throw more than twenty pitches, he can’t go tomorrow.  Ride him for 85, and he is “burned” for the next four days.  Ironically, as a coach, you are often more attuned to…

By Dan Freedman September 10, 2015 0


HANGING AROUND Baseball, more than any other sport, is a game of numbers.  Historical numbers.  It just cannot be denied or avoided.  So, despite some push-back on a stat-laden posting a few weeks ago, I am going to dig deep into statistics today – numbers that we may all just take for granted. Many of…

By Dan Freedman August 28, 2015 0


BETTER TO BE LUCKY THAN RICH When you have more money than you can possibly spend; when you are as competitive as the day is long; when anything less than a World Series ring will be considered a failure; and when your fiercest and most hated rival has won three championships in the last five…

By Dan Freedman August 25, 2015 0


NEWS OF HIS DEMISE . . . In case you missed it, I have a bit of an obsession.  I may enjoy baseball maybe a little too much.  Due to my obsession, I read a whole lot about the game (and even write a little bit, too). Because of how much I watch and read,…

By Dan Freedman August 4, 2015 0


TRUE GRIT It is so often said that it has become cliché: athletes need to have short memories. A quarterback throws an interception, he needs to forget it and get right back on the field. A guard gets beat on a wicked cross-over, he better be ready to bring the ball back up court. A pitcher…

By Dan Freedman July 31, 2015 0


TALKIN’ TRASH Football has showman.  From Joe Namath to Billy “White Shoes” Johnson; from Deion “Prime Time” Sanders to Terrell Owens and Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson. Basketball has larger than life figures who operate in a different stratosphere.  From Clyde Frazier to Wilt Chamberlain; from Dr. J. to M.J.; from Magic and Larry to LeBron, and…

By Dan Freedman July 28, 2015 0